Get Your KYU Number
(Kentucky Tax License Number)
What is a KYU Number?
    A KYU number is a Kentucky tax license number issued for the Kentucky Weight Distance Tax. Only carriers with one or more vehicles with a GVWR over 59,999 pounds who traveling in or through Kentucky are subject to this tax.
Is the KYU number the same as IFTA?
    NO!!! KRS 138.660. establishes the fuel tax, surtax, and Kentucky Weight Distance Tax (KYU) You cannot pay for KYU on your IFTA tax form. IFTA is a fuel tax based on the fuel consumed by a vehicle within a certain IFTA jurisdiction.

    IFTA taxable vehicles start at over 26,000 pounds.

    KYU however, is a highway usage tax that is based purely on KY mileage. KYU taxable vehicles start at over 59,999 pounds. If your vehicle is over 59,999 pounds, you will need to pay both.
How do I get a KYU number and how long will it take?
    We can obtain your KYU number for you. Simply give us a call at 239-985-9341 and we will obtain your license for you. We are available seven days a week between 9am and 9pm EST to file for your KYU license electronically. It usually takes two to four hours for KY to process applications and issue the license but the licensing office is only open on weekdays so applications submitted on weekends are issued on Monday morning.
How much does a KYU number cost?
    The cost to obtain your KYU tax license number is only $40 plus $2 per truck.
What do I do after I receive my KYU number?
    You will need to file your KYU quarterly taxes in a timely manner and keep your taxable inventory list up to date. There is no need to renew the license annually. However, failure to file your quarterly tax reports can result in your KYU tax license being revoked. If your KYU number becomes revoked, you may have to pay penalties, interest and a reinstatement fee, or even post a surety bond. The quarterly taxes are due on the following dates: January 31st, April 30th, July 31st, and October 31st. Tax filings must be postmarked by the last day of the month following the end of the quarter to be filed. This is the case even if that day falls on a holiday or weekend. You must also file the tax forms even if your vehicles do not run any KY mileage within the quarter.
Do I need to display the KYU number on my vehicles?
    It is not normally required to display the KYU number on the vehicle. Normally, a truck will pull into the weigh station, and the clerk will pull up the US DOT number on the truck. Since the KYU number is linked to the US DOT number, if the company has that particular truck VIN listed on the taxable inventory list and the KYU is active, then the truck should be fine as far as the KYU tax is concerned.
I am leased to another motor carrier for authority. What should I display on my vehicle?
    In the case of a lease please display the name, US DOT number, and MC number of the carrier that you are leased to. If your vehicle is subject to the KYU tax and the company with authority is not providing the KYU tax license, then you must obtain either a temporary permit for the KYU tax, or provide your own KYU tax license linked to your own US DOT number. Kentucky recommends that you display your personal KYU number. However, you are not required by law to display the KYU number. To avoid confusion and delay, it is best if the lease agreement is very clear about which company is paying for which credential.

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