Vehicle Marking Requirements
Every self-propelled commercial motor vehicle, as defined in 390.5, subject to subchapter B of this chapter must be marked as specified below:

The marking must display the following information:

    The legal name or a single trade name of the motor carrier operating the self-propelled commercial motor vehicle, as listed on the Motor Carrier Identification Report (Form MCS-150) and submitted in accordance with §390.19.

    The motor carrier identification number issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, preceded by the letters "USDOT." If you are an Intrastate Carrier you need to add your states abbreviation to the end of your USDOT number, ex. "USDOT 1234567 TX"

    If the name of any person other than the operating carrier appears on the commercial motor vehicle, the name of the operating carrier must be followed by the information required below, and be preceded by the words "operated by."

    Other identifying information may be displayed on the vehicle if it is not inconsistent with the information required by this paragraph.

    In addition to the federal regulations stated above many states have additional signage requirements such as the unladen weight, gross vehicle weight (GVW). Some states also require the last 8 digits of your VIN number to be added. If you are in doubt it is safer to include them.

    You should also assign a vehicle number of your choice to each truck and put this number on both sides of the truck. This is especially helpful if you have more than one truck.

    If you are not sure of your states requirements, here is an example of a sign that should provide whatever your state might require. Bear in mind that one state generally cannot impose their requirements on carriers domiciled in other states.
    Dove Explosives, Inc
    USDOT 1234567 PA
    Pottsville, PA
    Unladen 19400 GVW 80,000
    VIN A1B2C3D4
    Truck 001

    Note that MC numbers are no longer required to be displayed. As of October 2015 the FMCSA will only use USDOT numbers and the MC number will be a thing of the past.
Size, Shape, Location, and Color of Marking
The marking must:
    Appear on both sides of the self-propelled commercial motor vehicle;

    Be in letters that contrast sharply in color with the background on which the letters are placed;

    Be readily legible, during daylight hours, from a distance of 50 feet (15.24 meters) while the commercial motor vehicle is stationary; and

    Be kept and maintained in a manner that retains the legibility required.

    Appear on both sides of the self-propelled commercial motor vehicle;
Construction and durability
The marking may be painted on the commercial motor vehicle or may consist of a removable device, if that device meets the identification and legibility requirements, and such marking must be maintained.

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